traditional liposuction

laser liposuction

Lipo permanently removes fat cells. It also modifies the body's appearance.

Wet Liposuction surgery.

Are liposuction results permanent?

laser liposuction

laser liposuction

The applicant must have at least 18 years' experience and be in good health. Patients who have blood circulation problems, such as diabetes mellitus and coronary artery diseases, should not have liposuction.

Liposuction is best for people with a great complexion and elasticity. When the skin is healthy, it will be able to mold into new shapes.

One of the most misunderstood and popular plastic surgery procedures is liposuction. Asking the average person about lipo will likely result in them saying, "It is weight-loss surgery." Although this is a valid false impression, it's still a false one.


Liposuction is the medical suctioning or removing fat cells from certain areas of the body. Most common are the abdomen, butts, hips and upper legs. For breaking down fat, the hollow cannula should be used. To remove fat, the cannula must be connected to an electrical vacuum cleaner.

Avoid direct sunlight. It can damage our skin's health. While many people love tanned skin and prefer it, excessive sun exposure can cause skin to become wrinkled and lose its elasticity. Use broad-spectrum sunscreens with at least 30 SPF whenever you're out in the sun.

Liposuction can be used to remove fat cells from specific areas. However, it does not guarantee that fat will disappear completely. Weight gain and aging can influence the development of fat cells, which can lead to a change of appearance. A healthy lifestyle is key to achieving the best results with liposuction.




People struggle every day with excess body weight. Lipo can often be an excellent option if regular exercise and healthy eating habits fail to reduce body weight. There are many areas that liposuction can be performed, including the hips, upper legs and upper legs.

Number of desired areas of liposuction


What About Nonsurgical Treatments

While liposuction can be used to completely remove fat cells from targeted areas, it does not guarantee that they will go away forever. Fat cells may develop as a result of weight gain and aging. This could cause a drastic change in the appearance of your body. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are key factors in achieving the best possible liposuction results.

Lymphedema is a persistent or prolonged problem where excess liquid (or lymph) accumulates in cells. This causes swelling or edema. Edema often occurs in the legs or arms. Sometimes, liposuction is used to reduce swelling and discomfort.

traditional liposuction
liposuction cost
liposuction cost

After treatment, you may not get the results you desire. You may temporarily feel like you've gained weight or appear larger in the treated area. Although lipo can remove up to 10 pounds of fat cells, liquid retention and swelling may cause you look bloated. You will begin to notice the results as the swelling begins to decrease.

Your treatment may not produce the desired results. Temporarily, it is possible to feel that you have gained weight. Lipo can reduce fat cells by up to 10 pounds. However, liquid retention can make you appear bloated. You can start to see results when the swelling is reduced.

It is crucial that patients and their doctors discuss the pros and cons of lipo before making a decision about whether or not they want to undergo it. Liposuction should only ever be done after careful consideration.

laser liposuction

These results are subtle but not surprising.

Lipo can be used to treat specific conditions, but is most commonly used for aesthetic purposes.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction is also known by laser-guided lipso. This procedure requires the use tumescent fluids. This procedure is less painful than traditional liposuction and requires less blood. The tiny tube emits laser energy under the skin and can be inserted in a small cut.

laser liposuction